How To Make Hal Dial Phone Numbers Making Hal dial phone numbers that he has remembered is easy. Just tell Hal to call
someone, like this: You say: "Call Bob please" Hal says: "Bob's phone number is 8331019. I'm dialing" (Hal dials the phone number is tell you to pick up your phone when the phone starts
ringing) But in order for Hal to dial phone numbers you must have a modem installed and you
must tell Hal where it is. The first time you tell Hal to dial a phone number a window will
pop up asking you to what com port your modem is connected to. A computer has 4 com
ports. A mouse is sometimes connected to com 1 and a modem is usually connected to
com 2. You must know where it is connected and tell Hal. Check with your computer
manufacturer if you are not sure. However, most computers have a "Phone and Modem" Option located within the
computer's Control Panel. Within the "Phone and Modem" Option you can setup the
required Dialing Rules for your computer and it's location, and then Hal will know exactly
how to dial any number in the world from your computer.
Select "Printers and Other Hardware":
Then select "Phone and Modem Options":
Select "Dialing Rules" and then simply click on "New" or "Edit" to input the location
Then enter the required information for where you and Hal live:
And then finally click on "Apply" and "OK" to save the new information.