Setting User-Defined Events
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Setting User-Defined Events


In order for Ultra Hal to write down an appointment and remind you of it, he must understand what the event is and how to remind you of it. For example, a birthday is an event that should be reminded of at least 2 weeks before it. But there is no need to remind you of the event in minutes or hours. A birthday is an event that should be repeated annually. An event such as a meeting doesn't need a 2 week reminder, 1 or 2 days is enough to remind you of it. But reminders in hours or minutes is necessary so that you don't miss the meeting.

Ultra Hal comes pre-loaded with many events. But if you would like to change how Ultra Hal reminds you of the events, or if you would like to add your own events you can use Ultra Hal's "Set User-Defined Events"

You can get into the event setup dialog from the Ultra Hal Calendar, or from Ultra Hal Options.

To change an existing event, select it from the list on the right of the window, and click on the left arrow near the list. Now on the left side of the dialog, you can change the keyword for the event, how often Hal should remind you in days, how often Hal should remind you in hours and minutes, and how often to repeat this event. Once your finished changing the event, click on the right arrow to send it back to the list.

To delete an event, select the event from the list on the right and click on the "delete" button located below the list.

To add your own event, simply enter a keyword for the event, select how often you want Hal to remind you in days and hours, and select how often you want this event to be repeated. Once your done, click on the right arrow to send it to the list on the right.